Friday, December 31, 2010

EXTRA EXTRA : Immigration policy and the Lizard Brain- Pretty it ain't.

Right wing politics and Immigration hard line are physiological traits of the lizard brain! Scientist in London have confirmed it!

Think of Steve King and Lamar Smith as giant lizards, facing extinction, stroking their "more pronounced amygdalas." Pretty it ain't.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011= Prospero New Year!

2011 The first decade of this 21st is gone. Gone is also the hope of finding a solution to the millions of undocumented workers living in the U.S.

Clinton wouldn’t do it. Bush started with a bang- the visit of Vicente Fox (cool to see a Mexican president taller that a U.S. president from Texas). Then 9/11 happened and the word was to close the southern border though the terrorists were using the Canadian border.

Obama turned his back temporarily to the 10 to 15 million people living and working in this country, some of which helped him get elected.

Temporarily I hope. The narrow mindedness (I really want to say bigotry, but I won’t) of the republicans is self defeating. Ask Harry Reid.

So 2011 is here. The economic news is getting better. The days of farm workers wiping out $100 bills and buying 20 pairs of jeans can’t be too far away.

Come on! Let’s legalize people, legalize families, legalize and educate the generation that will be taking care of us baby-boomers. In 20 years we will be begging Mexicans to come and work here.

Then again, I might just be retired in Colima or Playa del Carmen!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Parting the Waters

Lamar Smith seems to realize that reality bites.
Lamar (the sea- beautiful name) might be taking a softer position on immigration.

Has he been talking to the California republicans?
I guess the real scary wing- Steve King and other Neanderthals, seem to be willing to pick up the slag.
Birthright? El Derecho the Nacer?!!! These melodramatic republicans better realize that no one does soap-operas como nosotros los latinos. Better not fall in love with the maid's daughter, the newborn child is going to be yours. How will you tell da wife and da congregation!
Please do not forget newborn child we are celebrating this time of year. Would you deny him citizenship?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Posada- Shelter for an unemployed carpenter and his pregnant young wife

Imagine trying to cross the border on a day like today with a pregnant wife so you can be counted. I am sure that many people confronted with a similar situation- this couple, would decide to help them. Let them stay in the barn.

A strong, unusual light in the sky - ICE's helicopters? A baby is born, three wise men, never mind their ethnicity, come to see the newborn king. Call Homeland Security? Mirth, incense and gold, call Ron Paul?

Meanwhile back in the backbreaking reality of rural AltaCaliforniaNorte, after a break from the rain, the lucky few who get called to work are laying plastic mulch on young strawberry plants. Next spring and summer kids of all colors and ages will be enjoying "pajaro" and "camarosa" berries.

and the couple with the baby...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Real State Bubble ((gum?)

See how nice we can assimilate! Gingerbread houses from latino immigrants, Gotta join the AltaCaliforniaNorte housing boom/bust somehow.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Long Live the Dream

The dream of the sons of immigrants, read- everyone in this Continent, will be true soon, It better be true soon!

The lack of vision demonstrated by the Lamar (the sea) and a bunch of living mummies with one foot in the 19th- Manifest Destiny-Century and the other one in the grave, is blinding. I'm coming after you.

This post, my first ever, and new blog will be a shot. A warning to these bigots that not only are we here, we love this land, And we are your future.

Educate these kids so you can have a nice place in which to retire.

This post is a reaction to todays sad news on the Dream Act. It is also the day when courageous Americans will finally be able to die for their country, and be honest (novel idea). Honest as to who they are, and who they love.

From the NYT

“They did not defeat us, they ignited our fire,” said Alina Cortes, a 19-year-old Mexican-born immigrant from Texas who lacks legal status. A self-described conservative Republican, she campaigned for the student bill, saying she hoped to join the Marine Corps."

Alina, mija, abre los ojos! Esos bichos racistas no nos quieren. Solo quieren nuestro trabajo y sacrificio. Pagales con tu voto! A verdad, no puedes votar todavia. Pues ya pronto. No se te olvide quienes son los que te niegan una educacion. La oportunidad de realizar el sue#o de tus padres.